《生き返らす》bring [restore]〈a person〉to life; 《活用する》make good use of ((one's money)).
・釣った魚を生かしておく keep the fish one has caught alive.
・個性を~ make use of a person's individual talents.
・素材を生かした味付けをする season that brings out the flavor of the ingredients.
やつを~も殺すも我々の胸先三寸だ It is up to us whether or not to spare his life.
のきなみ 軒並み
・~に 《すべて》all; one after another.
・金融株が~下げた The stock prices of financial institutions [Financial stocks] have all fallen [have fallen in unison].
〔米〕a period; 〔英〕a full stop.
・~を打つ put a period [〔英〕full stop]〔英〕put a full stop ((to)).
ぜつみょう 絶妙
絶妙の exquisite.
・~が良い[悪い] be timely [untimely]; be well [ill] timed
めぐまれる 恵まれる
・晴天に~ be blessed with clear, sunny days.
・才能に~ be gifted (and talented).
・健康に恵まれている be blessed with good health.
・恵まれた生活 a happy life.
・恵まれない人々 unfortunate people.
てんき 転機
((be at))a turning point.
てがる 手軽
・~な easy; light; ready; simple; informal; handy; inexpensive.
・~な食事 light meals.
・~に easily; readily; simply; informally.
えきべん 駅弁
a station (box) lunch.
かんそう 感想
impressions; (one's) opinion.
・~文 a description of one's impressions.
れんけい 連携
cooperation; tie-up.
- Nov 17 Mon 2008 16:17
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いかす 生かす