and; as well (as).
さくげん 削減
(a) reduction; a〈drastic〉cut; (a) curtailment.
・~する cut (down); curtail.
・人員~ personnel reduction.
ふみきる 踏み切る
《跳躍で》take off; 《相撲で》step out ((of the ring)); 《決断する》decide ((to do)).
しんけん 真剣
earnestness; seriousness.
・~な earnest; serious.
・~に in earnest; earnestly; seriously.
・~になる get serious ((about)).
・~勝負をする fight with real swords; play in real earnest.
・~味に欠ける lack sincerity.
はもん 波紋
《比喩的にも》a ripple.
・~を描く make ripples.
・~を投げかける make a stir ((in)); produce [cause] a sensation.
つのる 募る
《募集》raise ((money)); 《寄付を》collect ((contributions)); 《公債を》float ((a loan)); 《人員を》advertise for; call for; invite ((new members)); gather; 《兵士を》levy; recruit; 《激しくなる》grow.
・…への思いが~ My love for〈a person〉grows.
かんしょう 勧奨
・~退職に応じる receive a supplemental retirement package in exchange for voluntary early retirement.
ぎょうしゅ 業種
a type of industry [business].
・~別 industrial classification.
・~別にする classify by industry.
はんどうたい 半導体
a semiconductor.
・~チップ a semiconductor chip.
きんぞく 勤続
continuous [long] service.
・~する serve ((in a firm for thirty continuous years)).
・~者 a long-service man.
勤続手当 a seniority [long-service] allowance.
勤続年数 the length of one's service.
- Nov 27 Thu 2008 01:32
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