a delusion; an illusion.
・~にふける be lost in wild fancies.
被害妄想 a persecution complex.
えんじる 演じる
perform ((a play)); play [act] ((a part)).
・醜態を~ behave shamefully.
つつむ 包む
《紙で》wrap (up) ((in paper)); tie [do] up ((in)); 《荷作り》pack; 《おおう》cover; envelop ((in)); 《布などで》fold ((in)); 《囲む》surround; 《進物用に》giftwrap; 《隠す》⇒包み隠す.
・霧に包まれる be enveloped [veiled] in mist.
・謎に包まれる be shrouded in mystery.
・熱気に包まれる be filled with excitement.
・炎に包まれる be in flames.
いちだい 一代
one [a] generation.
・~記 a biography; a life ((of)). ⇒一世(いっせ).
すい 酸い
sour; acid.
~も甘いもかみわけた人 a man of the world.
a waitress; a barmaid.
めあて 目当て
an aim; an object; an end; 《目標》a guide.
・金を~に結婚する marry for money.
かよいつ・める かよひ― 5 【通い詰める】
(動マ下一)[文]マ下二 かよひつ・む
ふうさい 風采
one's (personal) appearance.
・~のあがらない plain-looking.
・~のりっぱな handsome; 《立派な服装の》well-dressed.
おそろしい 恐ろしい
fearful; awful; terrible; dreadful; horrible; 《凶悪な》fierce; ferocious.
・恐ろしく fearfully; terribly.
ぶきよう 不器用
clumsiness; awkwardness.
・~な[に] clumsy [clumsily]; awkward [awkwardly].
・手先が~である He is [His fingers are] all thumbs.
てさき 手先
one's fingers; 《手下》a pawn; a tool.
・~の器用な clever with one's hands.
・~に使う use〈a person〉as a tool.
きゅうこん 求婚
((make))a proposal [an offer] (of marriage) ((to)).
・~する propose ((to)); propose to a person, ask a person to marry one.
求婚者 a suitor; a wooer.
しょうがい 生涯
a〈happy〉life; lifetime; 《職業上の》a career; 〔副〕for life; as long as one lives.
・~の友 a lifelong friend.
・~の伴侶 a partner for life.
・~の事業 a lifework.
・~を終わる end one's life.
・~を捧げる devote one's life ((to)).
生涯学習 lifelong learning [study].
生涯教育 lifelong education.
生涯所得 one's life earnings.
生涯賃金 life-time wage.
いちず 一途
・~な single-minded.
・~に intently; with all one's heart; blindly.
いっと 一途
・増加[減少]の~をたどる go on increasing [decreasing].
まさに 正に
《丁度》just; exactly; 《確かに》surely; certainly.
・~その通り You are quite right.
・彼こそ~天才だ He is really a genius.
・その事故は~人災といえる The accident was an absolute case of human error [neglect, folly].
・~…しようとしている be going [about] to do; be on the point of doing.
(F.roman) 《長編小説》a (long) novel.
ロマン主義 romanticism.
ロマン主義者 a romanticist.
ロマン派 the romantic school; 《人》 a romanticist.
(G.Ma¨rchen) a fairy tale.
メルヘン 1 [(ドイツ) M rchen]
つつみこむ 包み込む
wrap ((in paper)).
けしょう 化粧
(a) makeup.
・~する make up ((one's face)); powder one's face.
・~を落とす remove [take off] one's makeup.
・~が崩れる for one's makeup to come off.
・~を直す fix one's makeup.
化粧室 a powder room.
化粧水 skin lotion [freshener].
化粧石鹸 makeup soap.
化粧台 a dressing [toilet] table.
化粧道具 a makeup set.
化粧箱 a makeup case; 《携帯用》 a vanity case.
化粧品 makeup articles; cosmetics.
化粧品売り場 a beauty counter.
化粧品店[会社] a cosmetics store [firm].
化粧回し 《相撲》 an ornamental mawashi.
化粧れんが an ornamental tile; dressed bricks.
厚[薄]化粧 heavy [light] makeup.
だしき・る 3 0 【出し切る】
[可能] だしきれる
ますます 益々
more and more; increasingly.
・~悪くなる go from bad to worse.
なさけない 情けない
《みじめな》miserable; wretched; 《嘆かわしい》lamentable; 《恥ずべき》shameful.
すいきゃく 0 【酔客】
からむ 絡む
twine [coil] round; be [get] entangled; 《巻きこまれる》be involved in; 《難くせをつける》pick up a quarrel ((with))
せんさく 詮索
・~する search [inquire, pry] ((into)).
・~好きな inquisitive; curious; 〔話〕nosy.
well; now; to begin with; in the first place.
はんこう-き ―かう― 3 【反抗期】
ようご 擁護
protection; defense; support.
・~する protect ((A from B)); defend; support; stand by.
擁護者 a protector; a defender; a supporter.
いいよる 言い寄る
make a pass at ((a woman)).
a fashion.
-ぎみ -気味
a little; slight; a touch ((of cold)).
・~である tend ((to do)); be on the〈fat〉side.
ゆるめる 緩める
loosen; unfasten; 《気を》relax; 《速度を》slow down; 《楽にする》ease.
・警戒を~ lower one's guard.
・歩調を~ slow [slacken] one's pace.
すがた 姿
a figure; a shape; a form; an appearance.
・~が良い have a good figure.
・~を現わす appear; come in sight.
・~を変えて in disguise.
・(やっと人が)~を見せる 〔話〕show up.
・~を消す disappear; vanish (out of sight).
・変わり果てた~になる become dead and cold; become a lifeless corpse.
じつざい 実在
actual existence; reality; actuality.
・~する (really) exist.
・~の人物 an actual person.
実在論 【哲】realism.
ふぬけ 0 3 【▼腑抜け】
ひかえる 控える
《抑制する》refrain [abstain] ((from doing, a thing)); 《書き留める》make a note ((of)); note [write] down; 《待機する》wait.
・塩分を~ cut down on salt.
・…を控えて with〈the exam〉close [near] at hand.
ぶたい 舞台
the stage; 《場面》a scene.
・~に立つ appear on the stage.
・~を退く leave [retire from] the stage. ⇒初舞台,独り舞台.
舞台裏 back stage; behind the scenes.
舞台監督 a stage director.
舞台げいこ ((have)) a dress rehearsal.
舞台劇 a stage drama.
舞台装置 the set; setting.
舞台中継 a direct broadcast [telecast] from a theater.
しりぞく 退く
《退却》retreat; go back; recede; withdraw; 《引退》retire ((from)); resign.
・一歩~ take a step backwards.
・教授の職を~ retire as professor.
- Nov 03 Mon 2008 06:39
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もうそう 妄想