a side.
・勝ち~ the winning side.
・右[向い]~に on the right [other] side.
きょうぎ 協議
conference; (a) consultation.
・~する talk〈with a person〉over ((a matter)); discuss ((a matter with a person)); confer ((with)).
・~中である be in conference [consultation] ((with a person)).
協議会 a conference.
協議価格 the [a] negotiated price.
協議事項 a subject of discussion; ((an item on)) the agenda.
協議引受け negotiated underwriting.
協議離婚 (a) divorce by (mutual) agreement.
ぶっきょう 仏教
・~の Buddhist [Buddhistic].
仏教徒 a Buddhist.
しどう 指導
guidance; direction.
・~する guide; (give a) lead; coach.
・~を仰ぐ look〈to a person〉for guidance.
・~を誤る misguide.
・…の~のもとに under the guidance of….
・~的な役割を果たす play a leading part [role] ((in)).
指導教官 a guidance teacher; one's adviser.
指導原理 a guiding principle.
指導者 a guide; a leader; a coacher.
指導主事 a teacher's consultant.
指導要領 guidelines.
指導力 leadership.
とういつ 統一
unification; unity.
・~する unite; unify; 《標準化》standardize; 《統御》rule; 《精神を》concentrate ((on)).
・~を欠く lack unity [uniformity]; be not consistent.
統一会派 a unified voting group [bloc].
統一規則 uniform regulations.
統一教会 the Unification Church.
統一見解 a united view.
統一小売価格 a price point.
統一国家 a unified country.
統一スト(ライキ) a unified strike.
統一市場 the unified market.
統一戦線 a united [common] front.
統一地方選挙 nationwide local elections.
経済統一 economic unity.
精神統一 mental concentration.
こうさく 工作
《製作》work; (手工) handicraft.
・~する work; make. 《土木の》construction.
・~物 construction works; 《策動》maneuvering.
・~する maneuver; 〔話〕engineer ((a scheme)).
・政治~ political maneuvering.
・裏面~をする maneuver behind the scenes.
工作機械 a machine tool.
工作室[場] a workshop.
じち 自治
self-government; autonomy.
・~の self-governing; autonomous.
自治会 《地域の》 a neighborhood self-governing body; 《学生の》 a student council.
自治権 autonomy; the right of self-government.
(中国の)自治区 an autonomous region.
自治省[大臣] the Ministry [Minister] of Home Affairs.
自治[地方自治]体 a [a local] self-governing body.
自治領 a dominion.
とりさげる 取り下げる
withdraw [drop] ((a case)).
はなしあい 話し合い
(a) talk; (a) discussion; (a) conference; (a) consultation; 《交渉》(a) negotiation.
・~をする have a talk [discussion].
・~中である be in conference [consultation].
しんてん 進展
development; progress.
・~する develop; progress.
・何か~があったら if there are any (further) developments; if anything comes up.
きゅうしん 急進
・~的な radical; 《極端に》extreme.
急進主義 radicalism.
急進派 the radicals.
ぼうめい 亡命
(a) defection; 《政治的》political asylum.
・~する seek [take] refuge ((in Japan)).
亡命者 a (political) refugee; an exile.
きんきゅう 緊急
・~の urgent; pressing; 〔話〕crying.
・~時には in an [in case of] emergency.
・~時に備えて for emergencies.
緊急アピール an urgent appeal.
緊急閣議 an emergency cabinet meeting.
緊急経済対策 emergency economic measures.
緊急警報放送 Emergency Warning System (略 EWS).
緊急事態 an [a state of] emergency.
緊急措置 ((take)) emergency measures.
緊急逮捕 ((make)) an urgent arrest (without a warrant).
緊急着陸 ((make)) an emergency landing.
緊急停止 《原子炉の》 a scram.
緊急動議 ((make)) an urgent motion.
緊急発進 《軍用機の》 a scramble.
たいわ 対話
(a) dialogue; (a) conversation.
・~する have a talk ((with)).
・~体 ((written in)) dialogue.
げんこう 現行
・~の existing ((law)); ((the law)) in force; ((the textbooks)) now in use.
現行制度 the present system.
現行犯 a flagrant offense; 《人》 a flagrant offender.
現行犯で押えられる be caught red-handed.
ろせん 路線
a route; a line.
・~価 the price of land fronting major roads.
みなおす 見直す
《再び見る》look at〈a thing〉again; 《再検討する》reexamine; reconsider; review; 《改めて認識する》(come to) have a better opinion ((of a person)); look twice.
ぎだい 議題
a subject [topic] for discussion; 《全体》agenda.
・~に上る come [be brought] up.
さだめる 定める
《規則を》establish; lay down; 《決定》decide ((on)); determine; appoint; fix.
どくりつ 独立
independence; self-support.
・~する be [become] independent ((of)); 《生計》support oneself.
・~の independent; self-supporting.
・~して independently; for oneself; alone; ((live)) on one's own.
独立監査 an independent audit.
独立記念日 《米国の》 Independence Day.
独立国 an independent country.
独立国家共同体 the Commonwealth of Independent States (略 CIS).
独立採算制 ((on)) a self-supporting basis.
独立心 the spirit of independence.
独立宣言 《米国の》 the Declaration of Independence.
独立戦争 《米国の》 the War of Independence; the Revolutionary War.
独立投資 autonomous investment.
独立独歩 self-reliance.
独立不定詞 【文】an absolute infinitive.
しゅちょう 主張
(an) assertion; a claim; 《固持》persistence; insistence; 《持論》one's opinion.
・~する assert; claim; contend; insist; persist; 《強調する》emphasize.
・~を通す assert oneself; stick to one's opinion.
・~を曲げる compromise; concede a point.
こんぽん 根本
the root; a basis; (a) foundation; 《本質》essence.
・~的な[に] fundamental [fundamentally]; basic [basically]; thorough [thoroughly].
根本問題[原理] a fundamental problem [principle].
あらためて 改めて
anew; afresh; 《もう一度》(over) again.
・~また参ります I'll come another time.
いかなる 如何なる
・~場合でも whatever [no matter what] happens…/ whatever [no matter what] the circumstances are….
たくらみ 企み
a plan; a scheme; a design; a plot; 《徒党を組んだ》a conspiracy.
ぼうりょく 暴力
violence; force.
・~で by force.
・~をふるう use violence.
暴力団 a gang.
暴力団員 a gangster.
せいめい 声明
a declaration; a statement.
・~する declare; proclaim.
・~を発表する issue a〈an official〉statement.
声明書[文] a statement.
おぼえ-がき 0 【覚え書き/覚書】
ちょくぜん 直前
・~に 《時間》just [immediately] before; 《場所》just in front of.
・試験の~に just before the examination.
あきらか 明らか
明らかな clear; distinct; plain; evident; obvious; unquestionable.
・~に clearly; plainly; undoubtedly; apparently.
・~にする make clear; clarify; prove; explain.
そうらん 騒乱
(a) disturbance; (a) riot.
・~罪で逮捕される be arrested on a charge of raising a riot.
騒乱罪 the crime of riotous action.
のぞむ 臨む
《面する》face; front on; look out on; 《当面する》face; meet; 《出席》be present ((at)); attend.
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